The Chinese Body Clock

THe chinese body clock

The Chinese Meridian Body System Clock contains important acupuncture theory that dates back to over 2,000 years ago. Today we see that this proves to be true with our natural circadian clock as it relates to cortisol.  In acupuncture theory, every 2 hours a new body system is most active.  For instance if the Liver energy is imbalanced you may experience waking up between 1-3AM.  Good health is demonstrated  by optimal organ function.  Imbalances can show up on lab work when testing cortisol levels or by listening to and observing your body’s rhythms and what symptoms you may be experiencing at the same time each day.  

To learn more about acupuncture benefits with balancing your cortisol and hormone levels & how to optimize your health, you can book an appointment with me in the clinic or virtually!

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